Thank you for checking this page of our website! It means you are curious about who created this brand new platform and it means a lot for us. The main contributors of this project are listed just below with their socials if you wish to contact them. But before we introduce you to our team, we want to thank all the people who helped us to reach our goal of creating SoulPath and those who supported us during the development. We also want to thank all the alpha and beta testers for their feedback!
Romain Monier
Creator, founder and developer of SoulPath
Romain is a Computer Engineering student at INSA Toulouse, France. He is an IT enthusiast also involved in video and music creation through different projects who also worked as a Full Stack Web Developer in an event company.
Armand Prioreschi
Developer at SoulPath
Armand is a Telecommunication student at INSA Lyon, France. He has always been passionate by IT and music and used to be an album reviewer on the website
Before leaving you we also want to thank our alpha and beta testers! Thanks to Emma Bernard, Thomas Lorrain, Florian Aymard, Léonard Monden de Genevraye, Martin Calvinhac, Estelle Monier, Juline Poète, Thomas Lefebvre, Romain Durand, Alexis Philip, Achille Balansard, Philippe Monier, Sandrine Monier, Leonardo Basile, Noé Chauveau, Pierre Scheer, Marin Navarro, Adrien Particelli, Corentin Lucas, Hugo Pierrel, Adrien Joubert, Morgan Pelloux, Émilien Vinet and Maxence Guegnolle-Santi!